
Southern Peach Bouquet

Looking for a modern twist on an old classic - this bouquet is just what you need! The Southern Peach Rose Bouquet brings you a subtle and sophisticated look with a bit of modern style. Charming and easy on the eyes, with beautiful pastel tones, this bouquet brings a room to life with it's artful appearance. Peach roses surrounded by white lilies, peach carnations and greenery - but the best part? All of this surrounds a green echeveria succulent. The fun new accessory to any bouquet, this delicate succulent adds a modern touch and is guaranteed to delight! This bouquet measures 15 1/4" W by 13 1/4" H

Flower & Succulent Gift Includes:
• Peach Roses
• White Asiatic Lilies
• Peach Mini Carnations
• White Stock
• Pitta Negra
• Dusty Miller
• Green Echeveria Succulent
• Glass Cube Vase
Delivery Information

To ensure maximum freshness our plant are shipped via major carrier (such as UPS, FedEx, etc.). We offer a range of available shipping times and cost options which vary by product to ensure the most effective delivery service available. 

Send Plants offers flat rate shipping for all of our next day delivered products, with no additional service fees. 

Our products available for same day delivery have a minimum shipping cost and are hand delivered to a work or business via one of our local florist partners. 


Shipping Options

Send Plants offers a variety of shipping options to ensure your gift arrives in a timely manner. The majority of our gift baskets, flowers and plants come with these shipping options available:   


  • Next Day Delivery: Place an Order on a Business Day Before 2pm EST 
  • Express Gift Delivery: 1 - 2 Business Days
  • Standard Gift Delivery: 3 - 4 Business Days
  • Economy Gift Delivery: 5 - 8 Business Days
  • A small collection of products are offered for Same Day Delivery prior to Noon, these images are labeled with 'Same Day Delivery'
